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Registration of marriage in Georgia

Marriage registration in Georgia

We will help you register a marriage in Georgia for residents and non-residents of Georgia.

Marriage registration in Tbilisi.

Marriage registration in Batumi.

Apply now From $300

How to get married in Georgia?

01. Two witnesses needed

To register a marriage in Georgia, you need two witnesses. If necessary, we will provide witnesses.

02. Passport translation

To register a marriage in Batumi or Tbilisi, you will need a notarized translation of passports.

03. Apply at the House of Justice

Apply for registration at the House of Justice along with witnesses and documents.

04. Get married at the House of Justice

Approach the House of Justice with witnesses to formalize the marriage.

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Your benefit when working with us 🖒

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2 cities of presence: Batumi and Tbilisi.
Support after registration.
Clients' personal data is protected.
A team of experienced lawyers and accountants.
We will provide documents in electronic and paper* form.

* Only when registering in Georgia.

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